Matcha Hormone Detox Diet
The Matcha Hormone Detox Diet
by Rebekah Kjose
**Follow for 3-4 weeks, ideally following a 3-5 day juice cleanse...
- All processed starch and sugars (flour, sugar, simple carbs like crackers, bread even gluten-free, chips, bagels, pastries, baked desserts, etc.)
- Fried foods
- Too much sugar in general even too much natural sugar from fruit
- Pasteurized Cow’s Milk Dairy
- All non-organic foods (pesticides increase chances of breast cancer)
- Preservatives such as coloring/dyes, carrageenan, and words you can’t pronounce
- Red Meat
- Acidic caffeine – coffee and black tea
- Gluten (found in wheat, barley, some oats, spelt, rye)
- Wine/alcohol
- Processed salt
- Shell fish or other ocean scavengers
- Microwaving any food
Tips for balancing hormones...
Hormones govern our body and they need fat to function properly. Without the right balance of good fats the body will malfunction in the area of fat-metabolism and the regulations of all body functions.
If the body is low in DHA, found in omega 3 (fish, algae, walnut, chia, flax, etc), it can go into early menopause and have memory loss, mood swings, and even is connected to Alzheimers
Today the average America eats 50:1 ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 but the ration should be 1:1. Omega 3’s have to come from the diet which is why it is essential. Avoid the corn, canola, safflower, sunflower, etc.
Focus on 20-30% good fats daily
Simply by eating organic it can reverse PMS, allergies and hormone imbalance
- Good fats do the following:
- Balance the hormones
- Reduces inflammation and arthritis
- Good for abdominal
- Good for Heart health
- Reduce water retention